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To learn about trading covered calls please download the Five Steps to Trading Covered Calls. Also have a look at ProWriter our free option trade planner software.
If you want to be successful selling covered call options then you could use the best data available to help plan your trades. Take the guess work out of the equation and never miss an opportunity by instantly seeing the highest returns (YIELD), available by using My Covered Calls. You can screen both CALL and PUT options for buying or selling.
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My Covered Calls had its first subscriber on 22 May 2006... that's over 16 years continuous service providing data and support to our Users. Unique service helping people plan option trades and earn income by writing call options over shares.
Instantly scan ASX options to find the highest returns available. Save time and minimise risk of missing an opportunity. Create a Trading Plan easily with My Covered Calls and ProWriter free software
Using a buy-write strategy generates income from your capital in 24 hours. Buy-Writes can be done on-line or with an advisor.
Earn extra income by selling covered calls against your existing portfolio.
Leverage off existing Shares in your super to grow your fund using covered call options. Consider Writing "out-of-the-money" longer term contracts.
See how to use Covered call Options to generate monthly income from owning blue chip shares.
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